Thursday, 10 December 2009
Lancaster Library Self Service
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Results of the Staff Survey
Additionally there is also a presentation document for presenting to staff, at LCLIS Training & Development
Monday, 17 August 2009
Test Unit now Installed at Chorley Library
We will try and organise site visits, for Chorley Staff, to another authority with 3M 'B' series units installed to see how it is working elsewhere. This will also give Library staff a chance to speak to other library staff and discuss how well it works and whether there were changes introduced post 'Live' date.
Monday, 10 August 2009
Test Unit to be installed at Chorley

Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Self Service Project Officially gets under way
A detailed look at the Project Plan was carried out and tasks agreed. Andrew to produce a final Project Plan for approval and then update the online Project Management application to ensure that ALL team members can track progress.
Friday, 31 July 2009
Survey responses pick up
Monday, 20 July 2009
Staff Survey regarding Self Service
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Do you have anything you want to say?
Contact the local representative for the site concerned.
The representatives are :
Nelson - Lynnne Wood
Haslingden - Michelle Sisson
Ormskirk - Rita McWilliam
Chorley - Diane Scarborough
Poulton - John Rimmer
Morecambe - John Rogan
These representatives will feed any suggestions or feedback to the area representatives who are part of the core project team.
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Project Team assembled
The Project Team for the Self Service project has now been asssembled and held its first meeting. The team members are:
- John Hodgkinson - Project Sponsor
- Andrew Cothliff - Project Manager
- Paul Hurley - Technical Lead (Networks)
- Glyn Sinar - Technical Lead (Applications)
- Di Baxter - Operational Lead (North)
- Jane Berry - Operational Lead (South)
- Karen Dobson - Operational Lead (East)
- Phil Farrell - Contractor Project Manager
There will also be a site representative for each site that will act as local champion for the project.
The initial meeting outlined the project management approach and the team roles and responsibilities. The next step is for Andrew to assemble the Project Initiation document (P.I.D)ready for the project launch. This document will be widely distributed to ensure stakeholders are aware of what we are trying to achieve and how we are going to accomplish our objectives that are set out in the P.I.D. The project launch date will be dictated by the signing of the contracts.
Friday, 5 June 2009
Self Service Location Evaluation

Chorley has just finished a full refurbishment and 2 additional 'pods' have been installed at the counter area (see right).
It is proposed to install the self service units on the 2 left hand 'pods' with the view that staff can be on hand to assist users in using the new units. The units will be slightly hidden from view by the central displays but with good signage and concerted marketing by staff this should be overcome.
Nelson is a Library that hasn't undergone any 'Regeneration' to date and therefore the design would need to fit in with the current 'old fashioned' interior. The original location of the self issue units was to be at the end of what is currently the issue counter. After review it was felt that the best location would be as users entered the library on the front of the main counter but this would be dependent on removing the EM unit at the exit. The Self Service units would be built into the counter and enable users to quicky return items if they were in a hurry.
Ormskirk Library is currently undergoing regeneration and Self Service has been integrated into the design. After reviewing the location it was felt that the identified location should not change.
Poulton Library has just completed its regeneration and Self Service was integrated into the design of the refurbished Library. The Self Service units will be positioned next to the entrance as shown left and this will capture some users heading towards the counter.
Haslingden Library has just undergone an impressive refurbishment with the Big Lottery funding and once again cabling and power had been incorporated into the programme of works. Two locations had originally been identified but the supplier recommendations were for only one unit based on annual transactions at the site. After reviewing the locations it was decided that the best location would be next to the main entrance as this would capture users entering from both the main and the rear entrances.
Friday, 22 May 2009
Self Service contract awarded
The Self Service equipment supply contract has now been awarded to 3M UK and we look forward to getting the project underway.
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Friday, 17 April 2009
Lancashire County Library and Information Service - Self Service Project

The Lancashire County Library and Information Service is part of the Adult and Community Services Directorate of Lancashire County Council.
There are currently 74 static libraries in Lancashire and 12 mobile libraries. Every service point gives access to the range of services provided by the Library and acts as a link to the national library network. All libraries provide a core service including the loan of books and audio-visual materials and access to information. Larger libraries provide a range of additional and more specialised services but standard levels of service are now delivered via the library website and online reference library.
Lancashire’s Library Management System, Talis, serves all County Libraries and incorporates the libraries of other agencies including Myerscough College, and six Prisons.
The total stock is approximately four million items, with issues of approximately ten million per annum. Online facilities allowing users to access their account and renew items on loan are available through the Talis Prism Opac. The automated telephone service, TalisMessage, is also well used, and there are self-service booking kiosk units at a number of libraries linked to Lorensbergs’ Netloan system for booking People’s Network (public access) PCs. There are currently no active self-service workstations installed anywhere in our libraries.
All stock is bar-coded and the 650,000 registered users each have a library card with a bar-code. All adult stock has an EM Security tag inserted and a number of libraries have security systems based on these tags. Approximately 220,000 new items of stock are added each year and the stock is circulated regularly between libraries either by request – 240,000 requests are taken annually – or by stock rotation.
Lancashire Libraries are about to install Self Service units in 6 libraries across the County to give the citizens of Lancashire greater flexibility of services. The sites receiving these units will be Nelson, Chorley, Poulton, Skelmersdale, Haslingden and Morecambe.